Candle Holder1 Hanging Lantern2 Morrocan Lantern3 Flower Vase4 Bathset Blue5 Bathset Black6 Jewellery Box7 Letter Opener8 Votives9
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Globe Artwares Impex Pvt. Ltd. is one of the fastest emerging Manufactures-Exporters-Importers specializing in the division of Handicrafts Art wares with a focus on global market integration. Globe Artwares Impex Pvt. Ltd. has created a broad market for itself as a manufacturer and exporter for precision Handicrafts products of Glass, Brass, Aluminum, Steel & Iron wares that are extremely used in worldwide market.The target market would be USA, Europe, Asia and Australia. Globe Artwares Impex Pvt. Ltd. is a new era company with a blend of traditional and ethical values. Read more.